Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Okie, this is my first post.was going to post it last nite but computer was abit sluggish. foul weather yest.luunch went to yishun in a air-con bus felt like a naked man in a freezer. got my shoes wet, hate that sloggy feeling darn...still no contact from her...shucks...once again screwed up big time.maybe it's true that when one got it he will always got it but if someone ain, there will never be a single one. ohh well no use crying over spilled milk.feel like spending money, got paid...but do not know what to buy that make me very satisfied.maybe take a leap and try e-commerce.tonite going to watch a movie, jap spelling yet to touch on it, going to do it during work hours. it's still going to be a foul weather today....


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