Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Hohooooo hooo....waht a boring tueday.Managed to done my work and handed in, expecting something to happen to my draft..but well jie was busy, poor jie everyday so busy.sigh keep myself occupied by reading something useful from the web..UML, activity diagram.Looked forward to the movie after work, watched acacia..ohh well suddenly i felt it was more boring than and scene is badly coordinated, any horror...ohh well nothing i can find, maybe i did not expect it was a triller and wanted something more esp after a peaceful day at work.I wan BLOOD, I wan screams....I wan action...but sadly none.Tomorrow going back to school to see senior's FYP, maybe can spot good FYP which i can follow on when my time comes.Ohh..e-mail a seller in US, hope he still have that superbugz.Going to pay him full cash if the shipment fee is right.....sigh..think of reading some books i got from AA04..


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