Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

well. I had survive thro is my super lesson madness day. study from 8:30-6:30. Felt super edgy towards the end of the last lesson as I want to go to JP to get some food.Gosh...going out of campus does really make me feels happy.

I realised that arthur have similar feelings as i am : When you stay in campus for too long you will lose touch with the outside world. You only show concern about the what happening around you...there is no media penetration.Bought some noodles, ham , drinks for the fridge....yummmy....power of fridge..I will be getting a can of whipped cream ... I just like to put the nozzle into my mouth and eat the cream..silly me....Tomorrow going to be a catch up day. Hope it will be productive


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