Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, August 22, 2004 was emi's birthday chalet.Went in on friday after moving stuff into my hostel. Well was anitcipating something nice to happen but in the the olympics thro out the nite..ohhh well .... when was the last time i watch olympics....primary 5??? seen alot of well built handsome women..... next day rush for japanese lesson...i was looking like a zombie...slept on the train...went back to chalet around the in many many many people......emi was pretty sweet in that little white dress...

Did not do much on sat nite..slept early as I was rather tired after popin by at ken's birthday on that same was a rush but fun.Sunday woke up ...went to eat dimsum at chinatown.slept on the train. reach hostel wash out that shithole....realised I had not slept well for the past 3 days... came back home had a good dinner with mum in IMM yunan, not bad.. not bad the food is not bad..felt super happy... I eat alot as I had realised I did not had a proper meal for the past days...proper meals will consist rice,veggie,meat....those normal chinese cooked food...tomorrow meeting ken for lunch and see what to do to celebrate for his offical birthday..


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