Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

School..finally my week is over... well not bad ..but today I felt super tired after the last class at 6:30pm. Maybe it is due to my past 3 days of ending class at 5++ but aniwei I know i can make it as I have a high tolerance ....

Radar eng is getting interesting, the main reason is that we are learning as much as we can and not based on some stupid timefame and thus we are able to inquire more and make it more intersting. I wish other crappy modules are similar but they are dicate by the objectives at the end..sigh this is not happy learning..but then ..... I never had a happy learning experience in uni.. it sucks but i learnt to live with it.

Tomorrow will be my study day and friday will be my FYP day...umphh see how much i can achieve by then..meeting the girls on friday nite....pity..that is the only thing I can look forward too for the week...what i will do over the weekend ? sigh ..pity cos I wanted more...

Emi's birthday is near..waht else should I get for her? umphhh ... let see ....


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