Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, August 01, 2004 make the courage to meet my supervisor, i do not know but everytime i do not feel like seeing him maybe there is this feeling of landing more work onto me...aniwei he is okie and ask us to learn more about my stuff okie i shall not disapoint him by at least commited in my work.

I had been thinking of my friend ...Well should i commit or disengage...thinking of it i think i should give it a go and disengage get my arse out of that as soon as possible.. I had realised that I cannot really commit to a native as I still feel there is a huge differences in our way of life despite that we are under the same color...sigh ... this does give me another reason to return to my home after uni to start my working life..

I had an interesting japanese lesson today. Sasaki san was nice as usual but she is going back to japan for a holiday. She need that, as I cannot bear the mind of staying in Singapore and going back for only 20 days a year. ... Hope you will have a good trip and enjoy all the nice japanese food.

Met up with patrick and geroge today, geroge seems to be better and now focus on his future. I am glad of that. We played pool but was not that engrossed in it ..i do not know maybe of the soccer and geroge was watching the koreans vs iranians..... had coffee talk abit and also talk about our future...all of us were thinking of further studies....same here.. but I had now consider not to do that in my field as i do not want to get too deep into it and be a educational staff... no way... aniwei too early to tell. My only wish is to get the hell out of uni quick and go to UK if possible.... once i am there...things will be different... Now have to relieve my periodical mood..... going for ebay to look for goods...

I LOVE PLASTIC MODELLING...........          Revell RULZZ!!!


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