Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Well had a good saturday.went for morning class while braving the rain....ekk..... sasaki san was there with the ever charmin smile..heehee... today class only have 4 blokes..that is inclusive of me...feeling stressed that I had not converse in jap for 3 + weeks .. i cannot really talk that much..then things start to get better... aniwei maybe hop to sat noon class as morning is too early.... I had to wake up at 9++..wahhh .. due to some miscomms , i cannot meet with george and patrick but in the end agree to meet patrick for dinner ...

Using the extra time, i study at starbucks.... and getting sick of it walk around at borders...geezzz bumped into jacq and jannie....wahhh waht a tiny world..

Went to shop with them then walk with jannie and had a coffee with her ..and chit chat..she is friendly and nice to be with.... after that had dinner with patrick..nothing much just discuss about george's incident...but i believe he will get better soon.....


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