Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, August 01, 2004

It's august, my month..ohh well my birthday is near. I do not foresee any major celebrations for my day.. i am quite okie with it after all it was the same every year...

I do not know why but I still have the thinking that I must return to hongkong after my studies. I have been looking around Singapore for the past days, I do not feel that I belong in here. Singapore is a fine and a good place but the problem lies in me.. Despite we have the same asian or chinese values but there is a vast differences between Hong Kong and Singapore. Maybe the contrast will be less when the time goes by ... I do hope this will be the case. . . at this moment I cannot accept anything singapore. I do not feel singapore in anyways inferior or bad compare to hongkong but please do accept me as a "new arrival" to this friendly sunny island that need time for adaptation . .. . . . .


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