Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Monday, August 09, 2004

Umm had a eventful weekend. Out with george and patrick over the saturday. did the usual of chatting and also see how each other is doing + celebrating my birthday. it's not a big event just a coffee treat but it's the buddyship that signifies the meet up. GEorge finally turn lusty like me, keep look at girls with handful-size jugs.. aniwei frankly I admit I protray such behaviour too, I do look at girls. My philosophy is guys are born to be such. it's like humans, we eat when hungry..simple.. only crap faggot deny doing that but continue to look....lowest cheapest form of creatures that gives all the shit about not doing that as they are not horny... >> if you ain horny you are a gay.. simple....

Went out on sunday with mum to eat alot simply as it's my birthday treat had 2 meals at crystal jade. I was looking for other stuff but mum only like chinese food so mum get what she likes. Crystal Jade's stuff is okie not that excellent when compared to Hongkong's any simple cheap eateries but I do miss hongkong food and this is as close as i can get in here..

Very sadly and foolishly went to suntec and do not know the entire singapore was there, wait very long for the bus ride...Aniwei I do think the bus system should anticipated such mob of people and could have provided extra buses but then ... society is not ideal.

Pop to zouk with emi, dawn, huli and their friends amos,esther and ... shucks i forgot..darn me... had a nice time dancing, dawn and emi are great dancers with such high level of energy.. emi was quite happy with the clothes I got for her in Hongkong and she look very pretty, she is quite nice looking nevertheless......... I felt proud of my taste and happy that I had not lost IT. There is something in me that is not found in other blokes, it is something I felt good with it.

I saw Giles and his girl, handsome dude with a cute chix..envious..aniwei cannot believe they get a non-alocoholic drink that taste worse than cola.....taste like some water
also saw happy to see such a good long old friend...and also another chap from Radar Eng, he is friendly and nice..... happy to see so many people in there...
done about 4am+ then I was super tired and begged others to leave...haahaaa.. I am feeling old....aniwei went home slept at 5am..woke up at 10am to hit the pool with 30 laps.... I am now feeling over stretched in my human capacity...but I will go running later... I am crazy but I am happy ...


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