Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 i did nothing at work, cant blame me everyone is planing their class for the coming sem.aniwei left office and head to school for the afternoon with my friends, kinda fun.seen some interesting FYP exhibits..and getting more interested in those satellite FYP and of course made my mind set to comms even if the journey is shit but than again every path is mined with shit.went back home sleep...wooo so refreshed...went out early before class to do some admin and heeheee got my $700 pay..what should i spend on...a manbo bag..maybe not....jappy class was errmm well no mood to attend feel like having fun.aniwei whole class ended without incidents.had a supper with claire and andrea, nice folks.i do hope andrea made the right decision soon, she reminded me of my days after my As...sigh...... those sad days... nevermind tomorrow going to be a normal for my superbugzz pit.....if not stick to the pig....this time an aussie


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