Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Friday, May 07, 2004

Welll..waht a night. Went to japanese class, somehow i realised that I am struggling in my lesson. this could be due the reason that I did not study it at all over wednesday.

When I left the class bumped into Fujii san, she ask me why did I join the other class and mentioned that her class is getting smaller like sometime only 4 ? well i cannot say real reason for changing (It was with those super clever girl it was freaking BORINGG!!! and I do not want to PAY $200+ to get the "Go back to school" feel in my jap class) I just said I want my friday to be free for other stuff. Sigh........ I think it will be better if she managed to get students in my current class. oh weelll...

We went to a small old ramen shop at cuppage with my classmates for supper or dinner... I was surprised that sasaki san agreed to join was alot and realised that we know each other better.

We managed to go to Bar None at Marriott. The place was nice but quite empty as it was a thursday. Had beer, talk , listen. Realised that sasaki san is quite cute in her own domain. I do hope all of them enjoy the night and looking forward to the next one.


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