Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, April 25, 2004

well today was a busy day: contractor came and fixed the window of my house, but I have to take down those alumimum grills.. which is easy heehee...and also clean up the dirt they created.I went to the gym today wow.... I did 4-5 rounds of my routine, then ran for 3KM which was normal..but I was super tired after that but I head for the pool...swam or struggle there for 45mins ...i swam very slowly or feeling super tired..only attribute to it was my gym work..nevermind..had pizza as dinner...not bad deal get a pizza free when you order one..from pizza hut..but now I am in heaven feeling sooo happy....cos I am having Ben n Jerry's ice cream... okie I really like them and i swear by it..they can really make my worse day better ..... haahaaa.... oh well.... you got to try it.. it's better than Haagen Dazs as BnJ's flavour is more wild and not those boring chocolate or vanilla to try it.. :o)


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