Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Monday, April 12, 2004

Well..nothing much happened on weekends only ate alot with my parents. Saw danniel with his wife at taka..wooo danniel is going to have a happy for them..happy family...heehee... nice feeling.Sunday went to swim..did not swim much as I did not eat my lunch and did not see timo ..perhaps the exam kept him from the water..a nice great weekend is passed... called up lay it's been years years since I had talk to her...old secondary school friends alot...she is okie ....haahaa..planning for meetup with sophia and grace and her together this wednesday seee how........for dawn.? oh well...guess there is nothing much I can do to improve the she turn all my suggestion down.nothing at all..tough luck...I just got squashed......heart is broken but not shattered


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