Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, April 04, 2004

Did not do much today. Went swimming the the mid noon after CSI, it was not a interesting epidose..rather normal. Swam for a long time till my shoulder blade hurts. I guess the reason for my long swim is I keep pondering.......about Dawn, what are the possibilities of hitting off with her with regards to the sorry situation I am in with her now. I cannot help but keep swimming with hopes that my tirness will give my mind time to breathe. I had wrote her a e-mail telling her what I am feeling now, does that works? I had yet to send it as I am still embracing some hope that she will contact me.I guess the turning point will happen over these few days, I will despatch that mail and just hope there is some sort of response from her.Disappointment or what I do not mind as I had suffer such fate countless times, I had learnt to cry without tears.


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