Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Monday, March 29, 2004

Monday.. not bad ..had a relaxing day at work as it's half day for me. Had lunch with my workmates, sounds rather stupid as I can easily leave before lunch but opt for 2pm for my leave to starts.Come back from lunch only talk talk ohh well pack up and leave.Saw timo at the station and was wailing about those Jap soccer players who just move in and taking up all the girls in my estate..ohh yeah ..din bother..Head to the pool after home as it was soo hot, managed a couple of laps then shoulder blades are aching guess I had swam too much during the weekends.Talk to Timo awhile and also about the Jap soccer player... nevermind. Back is now burning as I really had sunburnt but the cool feeling in the water under the sun.Went to see doctor..ohh well as a HSP (See link for what does HSP means) patient, victim, Genetically defunct human example, the report was normal. I am a healthy normal male.

Evening did not do much ehhhheeeh.... Dawn is talking to me now..wooohoo..she is sick well hope she will get better soon. Guess I cannot call her out this week. Maybe I will find her after her work then go home together....sounds perfect....but it's only sound right....never knows.


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