Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Wooo..good day..went to AMK to have a ekkkky lunch but that is not the deal, done my registered post to canada. that chap had not reply ...aniwei hope he will observe the rules..but it's just USD$15..... so had a meeting that is ended up not that scarely as every one participate..and in the course forgets about me .. GOOD!!! i just sit there and copy stuff.... and the day just flies..... met up with jasmine san at the last minute..did not tell her i got jap just said i got to meet friends..din know why i din tell her..maybe it's too premature..wan to impress my jappy friends..tat why..haahaa.a...... new class new people stared like I got a big bogger on my forehead...but sense is superbly nice...wahhh .... cannot compare to sense Fujii...sorry but she is not bad ..but...just...well.. different..... i sort of like senseh susuki's style ..will hope i can swap class cos i know i will improve in her class.she replied and we are meeting tomorrow at bugis....wahhhh..... really looking forward to tomorrow... IT"S A BEAUTIFUL DAY!!!!!! LALALALalalala....


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