Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, March 14, 2004

ummphhh..session expired...darn....just typed out and happen...shi!#...okie... went to IT fair to get my SD card work out not bad.paid ken a visit but...the main focus is to see her again, managed to get her attention and chat awhile..she is tired after days of selling laptops over there..but still protrays a ever radiant simile....or it is know when you have some butterflies in your stomach when you see someone.msg her tonite..same reply..guess both of us are tired..did not reply on the 2nd's okie i understand...sigh... why does such situation always happen to me..shucks...
Shop at marina do not have any discount on their kits..darn...was tinking of getting the academy's intake into my mongram..nvm.will continue the join up..since will be getting another pig a reply from zed hobbies....the price seems right..will do my maths again and seek dear keith's help...shucks..hate that...but i really need a new project to freshen my life...hope tomorrow no rain.... need a tan ..and a swim..... hope there is kino coupon tomorrow..need to buy books....


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