Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Monday, March 22, 2004

Another day..umphh..went to the hospital to give them my blood samples, well the queue for the IR scan is darn long...shit...monday... busy day for hospital. aniwei everytime goes uneventfully. saw this nice old british lady who is also doing the same kind of test as me....umphhh well ...din know but remind me of my grand folks..sigh...they are gone.. went to chinatown to get some USD to be send to Canada, had laska at the hawker next to OG..that carrot cake SUXXX big time. but laska is good..ate alot cos it's 3pm and eating my breakfast, lunch, tea...the Xchange rate was not bad...tomorrow got meeting with those co. folks...hope everything is quick and fast..change my lessons to tues+thurs for this week.going to send those money to brian in canada...insured or registered..umphhh....


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