Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Yuppie!! today's meeting was cancelled after being postphoned to 4pm.Geezz....wonder if i can walk out of the office at 6pm if it really started at 4pm.Well it's till next week, oh well will worry then.Had a nice time with lian today at that frenchy restaurant..Mansion.Banquise?Oh well it's french, food is so-so...but do have a very nice chat with lian..haahaa...MLM and his hand operation, well I'm a optmisitic so nothing bad will happened to him depsite the surgeon will be fiddling with his nerve..ummmph okie at most he can do anything but not pointing the middle finger? heehee.Maybe I was too tired today typing out my Log book fall asleep on the train but it is a hellva of a swell neat day....Hope more to come..Aniwei marina's hobby shop is having a relocation sale of a errmm whimpy 20%...gezzz that is "Wahhh"..okie i am a scrooge but I had just reserve $100 for stuff rdered in AUs...but i do not know where are they moving, it's a nice shop.


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