Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Today managed to finalised our plan for our FYP... after discussion with jie. It was a simple task for me, just modify abit of my own stuff, what make me tired was getting those numerous e-mail out to different sup for my FYP. 1st stage done. So tired that I felt asleep on the train to lesson. LEsson was very very DEAD, I felt very lucky that I did managed to get into the Tue-Thurs next term, looking forward to it. Keep tempting Tommy to join me in the defection. seehow. Called dawn and really want to meet her up but she was with her colleagues, I can still opt to join her but..ohh well my mouth was unable to articulate and then ask her how was her swim then hang up. What a dumb prick!@!@!!#.. ohh well I admit I know zero about such things..sigh din know how I am going to get involved....darn...sadness part of my life..


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