Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Tues, wow.. nothing much happened. Ohh yeah e-mail to that sup to ask him about the FYP. So far so good, will see how he respond or if he ever did. Had lunch at AMK, that coffeeshop owned by NTUC. The roast pork and soya chicken was okie but what really okie is the intense heat, felt half of my body fluid was gone.Only a MAc's wafer cone help me to stay alive, it was heaven.Updated my saving book and it seems that I had over-estimated my spending and now I got some extra cash, oh well save it for a stormy weather.

Did not work much today as jie was having meeting with my co-worker. She will get back to me tomorrow, spend the time finding emi and clement on friendster, still did not managed to.Ohh well did some happy shopping at Marks N Spencer, bought some easter eggs with praline in the middle..they are super yummy. also almond nougat with cheeries...heehe feeling super happy with them. Oh easter is near, I really need to resist the tempation to get so many easter eggs...okie I am behaving like a kid but come on, when I was a kid I can never afford one so now just a reminder of my childhood.Just think of the Transformers and G.I Joe in the market now, who are the buyers?Childhood so nice so innocent and no worries..sigh..

Went to funan want to find dawn but she is no where to be found.SMs her no reply call her no reply...shucks...guess she is busy... I am being optimistic that's all as she just did not feel the need to reply to me. oh well...I'm just a nobody. Feeling kinda of moody now. Shrugzz... life sux but I got to live thro it......


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