Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Ohh why I am in here?The feeling of frustration, anger, sadness, failure, despair is starting to show on my face. I do not know but for a moment such attributes just seep out of me. I can no longer contain them as they had outgrown me. For once they are in control of myself. I am no longer a man I am used to be.How I wish things will be just alittle bit easiler..but it isnt. Is it me who is not able to adapt to this environment? I do not know , I maybe never knows. I had a life of pain and sorrow but no one knows as I do not protray them in my life. My life is filled with things that people do not know and do not understand. I only beg for someone to understand me better. To know how I feels...but I guess this will never happens. I always believe deep inside a happy man there is this deep big scar that no one ever knows execpt him. Life is sad but I got to live on.Escape from reality.... I must ....


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