Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, April 04, 2004

Well today super suck went to campus super early to see my future FYP sup, he looks bernard and i chose his project.....Hope it's good. Went home and do alittle of stuff then went out with mum to yum char. did not do much but... I did a silly thing in my life!!! waht ? aniwei went to bugis get some sweets from muji with intention of heading down to Funan to find dawn and pass her those stuff..but after walking past the store for 3 times no avail....sigh ..dumb luck ...walk around not there..then went back to bugis....gigi was cutting hair with her style ain bad...her friend really make guy's head turn..ME? well I was too confused too deep in my mind..Where is dawn???!?!?? want to call her but deep inside my mind, i know she will not answer my WAT's the point then? I do not know.. I am her in the end ...well as expected no answer.....after say bye to gigi and xue down to sim lim...dawn is not there...ohh well I am feeling very very tired and sick...sick means really physically not okie...think going to see doctor with regards to my postal hypertension....blood pressure problem again.... sigh ... i do not know..why ...why do the sky rains on me......tomorrow going to swim


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