Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Anyway, went to jap class as usual but this time there are only 6 students. I presumed that the others are having exams that why. It was quite fun, eating sweets and stuff. heeeheee. Sense's birthday around Nov. did alot of conversation this time around and I think I did pretty well at spelling, only one character is misspelt. Saw a indian chap just lay there motionless on the carriage, just flat on the floor....with his bag of stuff at the other side, inside there is a bottle spilling out watery fluid. With the smell, I can only think it's alcohol.No one did anything to him, so guess where are the train marshals that claim to be instilled after the Madrid Bombing..umphhhh..aniwei seems that the public is still ill-prepared for any terror attack on MRT...ohh gosh...if this human-sized chap can just lay there happily and no one cares...umphh guess will anyone pay any notice on an innocent shopping bag abandoned on the train????


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