Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Oh..public holiday...filled with people in town.Aniwei went out with mum cos it sort of like a mum's day celebration. Treat her lunch at wah lok,well the food's not bad. So walk around... aniwei it's just accompanying her to get her a bag but in the end she din get any. I din shop around cos friday was out with jasmine, managed to get my goggles and a beach shorts. I do really like a new goggle as current one is blurred out..

Talk about age, it seems that I am not getting any younger. Lads around my age are getting married or well having a kid or two. Gosh..sometimes i think do i really have a problem in getting involve in a relationship? I din know seems that they had already got into a relationship, married and got kids..but I still yet to reach the earliest stage..ohh well... I just admit that, I am good at some stuff but not good at this particular stuff.I really din know the reason why they start the family so early and now complaining to me and envy my life. I know I have no commitments and free to choose around but since you are in that situation, why not salavge the situation and live life the best out of the worst? I professed that I am optimistic chap and there are not much hurdle I had been through but maybe I had a few big ones but I just use a postive approach to overcome it...okie i am just telling what I had did, I am not instructing. I am in no way in the position to instruct people what they should do, and I do not think it should.

It's getting hot in here....... I better go back to my room and sleep....

Aniwei I presumed no one will read my blog.....
To those who read it, thank you and have a happy life.

If life's without a struggle, it's not worth living.

Ohh..shucks..did not get any baby stuff for danniel's kid, umphh


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