Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Well had a relaxing day swimming in the mid-noon.Went for class as usual, I guess the class is getting more fun. This could be due to the reason that I had known them alittle better.

Met up with GEorge, Patrick and Dankwart...big big guy...Did nothing really as when I reach there it's was 8++ ...talked about life,girls..the usual... ended early.

Was on the train and we sort of or the whole carriage was eyeing onto this chinese national woman.....funny...heehee.... tease abit ....

I have to get a printer today..shucks going to brave the mob at Suntec......shucks..this year less things to see... din know why, maybe they had cut back on resources...


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