Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Monday, September 27, 2004

well sunday means the weekend comes to an end.

Feeling fulfilled? i do not know. did my lab report and had dinner with mum.

Despite the dislike of my mum daily nagging and complaints when I am at home, I do feel alittle sad that I have to go back to hostel for the week..shucks.... i din know but I often have such stuff. Felt the comfort with mum and home...yet dislike it when I am in it.....silly me..

Aniwei going to be another week before going back home. I will survive.

Heard a story from a friend...ohh well I admire that person who endeavor and presistent in things she likes...

I just felt that they are a better person than i am I do give up when things do not goes in my way... Do i want other to conform to my way?

I do think alot of others but does that means what I think is the best choice for others? i do not know .. should i stop this and let other do or think what they wants?

Ohh well...brain dead... going down...


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