Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Ohh shit....a week did not update this blog...

I was super busy with other stuff and work... monday was studying ...felt okie but still nothing much happened..

tuesday met up with Lyn and Afzal for waffles at Lucky plaza..felt super sinful , i ordered one with 2 scoops of ice cream and also extra whipped cream and chocolate fudge but that is waht i called enjoyment. Afzal tried on his new suit..boy he does look good in that..aniwei he is quite a stunner in my own views.... its was not a bad outing.. These 2 friends are the only other ntu mates I went out with other than KEn or Jun..I Don know why but ... that's me..
Evening met up with yanyan...tried out that super nice TCC cafe opp specialist shopping center.... super big couch , lie there like a worm..super good ..

Wed and thurs finished my F@%!^ FYP review, did not look nice but at least I tried my best....

Managed to watch 3 Xtreme with shan on was sucky, and also only the hongkong version is disgusting....aniwei show was so-so ...but had fun ..after all ... it was a day i need a break. Jasmine intro a friend to me on that day prior to that show... gosh her friend really looked like EMily the strange...and had the slowest eating speed in the world... I could had finished a buffet while she was eating that puny mos fish burger...

Friday and sat went to esplanade to relaz..... gosh i really like that library over there...peaceful, nice view of the city..i just stone there ...look at the sunset listening to was good... haahaa

MEt up with jasmine and her super funny friends on friday too ..they were discussing TVB serials with so much emtion and knowledge...was wow about that but even better was they tlak about it in english ...well ... nothing strange..but ... it felt different..

Sunday today ..went bladed...not bad..skills improved..met up with jun... holiday just gone like this...ohhh well..... Shan still sick.... gosh ..big big illness.... bad bad thing


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