Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Friday, September 03, 2004

Well.....I killed my DVD player...shucks... ohh well not really kill it but according to my mum, it was already semi-conscious ...tried to rescuitate it but end up in smoke... SO i need another DVD player.It was behaving oddly for a few months, refused to play and all sorts of problem.

Planning to buy a China player, so that it can play all sorts of pirated DVDs.... Long-Live China Dvds!!!

Went for lessons and I do see more people had join the class..not bad not bad...there are 2 cute ones....time in class will be better..haahaa...Had dinner with sasaki san, chat for awhile and wow she likes yoga..4 times a week ..woooo ...

Aniwei watched Broune Supremacy with sasaki san and yen, not a bad show...yen was fine but do have signs of flu...but looking at radiant and healthy..should be recovering soon.

Oh.... I had finally managed to source Testor's International Orange color...finally after days of looking at different hobby shops....sigh, it was expensive $3.80 per bottle..... the price is similar to what I get when I order from US i wish I got in HK when it was half of that price. Nevermind, my hornet is almost ready...... Hornet No.8 for Marine....


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