Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Saturday, September 11, 2004 week is my week long break. Not really a break I was busy reading up my FYP research and really had no mood to do it on thursday...been begging anyone to go out with me but in the end I stay in my room and read and read. Today was not a bad day, supposed to meet emi up for lunch but she was tired after a nite of's okie, I felt bad that she had to work so late at nite..oh well hope her late shift is ending soon.

Thinking of blading and swimming .. in the end I head down to ECP for a blade..not bad. not many people and after a few falls, I managed to regain myself. Its been a long 2-3 months since I had such a long blade. Surpised to met up with my SQN people, saw Beefy...ohh he had not changed abit but it's good as it the same good old him. SQN had lots of changes over the past 4 years, going to get myself adjusted when I went back. I had laska at the new hawker center at ECP, it's not bad... not bad..... the road had been smoothen out over that area wider, even and can go faster...heehee...

Met up with george and gigi for a movie..Rising Helen, it's not a bad show..heartwarming and nice.. talk about life..both are quite okie about it.. GEorge really have big plans like saving up for the future....grown up now..big maybe i should grow up now? ? ?

I had for the first time open an internet banking account, yeah i know I am slow in it as I am not a believer in internet security...keep thinking of hackers or all those crap. But i need to use paypal to pay for my cockpit set from France...

I had not valiadate that french and thus I will wait for a few more days before sending the funds thro paypal...cost around S$130 but i guess it worth it as I can resell them on for better cash if i really need the cash . I do not think I will need them in the immediate future but one thing I know, they will be more expensive in the future...hope I really build them rather than admire them.

Black box cockpits rocks...


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