Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Saturday, September 04, 2004

There are problems in my family...

Every now and then mum will call and bitch about the faulty electrical stuff in my house,seeking problem..I am in campus or in hostel. She had difficulty in understanding some stuff after all she is a typical housewife and also do not have much education. I am not complaining about that but I felt strainful to handly my school work, my life and also the family.

I do not know if other folks have to do such things?... My dad is not in Singapore so naturally I am the man of the house... My sis...she just dint give a damn of what is happening. SHe just go out with her boyfriend on weekends. Well.... I do not expect much from her. So in the end, I had to rely on me......

I am feeling rather uncomfortable staying at home nowadays as my mum just keep on nagging about my sis and me and also anything... shucks...

Sometimes i envy my friends as their parents will take care of everything and they are able to focus on their stuff.... dad will settle bills, dad will fix stuff, mum will make meals and settle it herself..... me... i settle bills, i fix stuff, i had to buy meals back for my mum..... I had to manage the family.....

I guess I will not settle down early as this is really creeping me.... I now understand why I like to go out alone... It is the only time I can have the time for myself and my stuff...and do my happy things.... the only chance of freedom....

Life goes on.. i just want to bitch about it ....


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