Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Monday, October 04, 2004

woo..friday, went to the chocolate workshop not bad ..quite fun but no one was there so rather lonely then . ACtually jasmine do not mind joining me for dinner but her day of taking those japanese high school kids drain her out. Managed to did some studies on friday.

Saturday was nothing as usual, went swimming not bad ..the weather is back ..unlimited visibility but no girls in the pool so just swim and swim. Lesson was okie , i mean japanese. At night, sister treat me and mum for seafood.the standard had dropped significantly.. so sat as like that.

Today went out with san. Well godiva called me up and said there are extra spaces and did not realised I had been there so I accompany san there. They recongise me but what the heck.... we did thought of watching movie but could not think of one till YuenYuen called us and said she had 2 tickets available but she was busy. so we took that movie.

It was part of the movie at the japanese film festival, not bad quite funny but meaning of the story is abstract...but we did laugh quite a bit..good for san as i think laughter is also a good medicine for illness... poor girl still having the residue of illness.

We went to raffles city for meal, thai express. had green curry and some lightly fried squid. san need to get some coffee at raffles hotel, quite a posh place which reminds me of Harrords in London..... I love London...sigh .... but i am now in singapore...

Tomorrow another week. got to work hard.....hope everyone is fine.


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