Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Friday, November 19, 2004

Umphh friday...still in hostel cos of the last paper on sat afternoon waht a drag aniwei it's an design paper, open book. There is nothing much to study... well let say... if questions ask things from the note (very remote distant proabilitly) I got those notes..If they din..... then no matter how I study there is no use.

I went to Jurong East library for my studys on tat module since they books on cellular comms designs.. I learn quite alot of things from ther..

Went out with jasmine...well I treat her in some nice japanese eatery, the food was superb and the environment was cosy.... felt good..

I manage to get myself a F-4 Cockpit resin set... ohh well realised that the WSO side console was not included.. I do not know why they came up with such dumd idea...aniwei I going to scratch build it.. I am now refocusing on my F-18 Hornet project, after 3 months of gathering dust..


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