Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, November 14, 2004

ohh... well..

Did not update this for sometime as I was busy with my exams and other stuff... nothing much in particular.Met up with Christina on tues and walk around, and the the gang at Big O not a bad thing.

Friday was out with lian, my NS buddy. Had a good time at suntec wildfire. The pretty american acent waitress was there..heehee..had some small dishes and finished off our meeting at Galerie with waffles.. that was superb.... haaaahaa....

Evening was watching that show with christina and CK. and also walk around and talk about..Okie I admit my japanese is going down the drain, I cannot blame myself as I was focus on my academic but vowed to put in all the effort after my exams. Shirley was there after 2 weeks of absence at last some familar faces in class..made my life more bearable in there...


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