Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

mid-week, the smell of sweet freedom is here.

Had a long and tough tues. Hang on in the comp lab to complete my HRM stuff... totally waste of time. Looking at it, all those students who were there are doing HRM. sucks but now its OVER !

Today presentation is okie, some of our group members' belief came true. Only Finanical part is needed for presentation not the ENTIRE whole shit.... hahaaa SUper happy it's over

I had managed to dried my bedsheet after yesterday sudden shower..... it could be wet now if not for my roomie who collect it on my behalf.......wet week.. not advisable for laundry.

Ended class at 6:30...started at 8:30...wowoww..... yeah long long day..but fufilling...

Resting at hostel tomorrow by not going to school but study.... how about that for resting?


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