Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Monday, October 11, 2004

sunday...At home rest and also study...Did not swim around noon had a long long and nice chat with christina...well din realise there is so many thing we can talk ..guess she was vocal and went IMM with mum

I did not feel like moving back hostel tonight but need to do my FYP interim report and that sickly HRM stuff....

sigh ... sad to see my mum go...gosh..i am so old but still have such feeling but i guess she is rather lonely at home alone these days as sis is on holidays...

Just got message from Dawn that she like the notepad...gosh that is a relief as I was not expecting she will like it so much but i do really fall in love in that notepad.. silly me...tomorrow monday..another day..working hard..!!


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