Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Let see what is the time now ? Singaporean time 2:15am.Well.....I had remembered...that lady name or how people called her.. c.k... very friendly person.okie nevermind..what i did on saturday and sunday umphh ..

Saturday,Spent the morning studying and also my ongoing project of the F-15 Flanker. went out with mum for dim sum and sadly i got to left her to get the present for dawn.. yeah it was last min as I was rather occupied with the cough syurp monster and baddie pill for the week.

I already had waht I wanted in mind, a notepad from PRint but I still want to look around,Borders stuff was nice but rather uninteresting. there is this nice Willam Shakesphere's notepad but look rather old.

Bumped into Jasmine and walk with her awhile, and she managed to help me to get some paper bag from taka as Print have those nice transparent bags but not very good for today.

Japanese class was okie fun and well surprise surprise.......managed to talk to one of the nice looking girl. she is studying in nus biz... now i know why she caught my attention ..aniwei she tot i was a sec school kid..ohhh welll compliment? din know but i was rather happy with it ? haahaa

Went to dawn's birthday ...crowded but I did not mix around much as my nose was in a bad shape... so stay indoors and eat those non-BBQ stuff... she is alright.... but well someone messed up her hair....i did not talk much too ..sigh ..... aniwei her cake is nice..chocolate...yum yum... i like chocolate too..

Went home before 12 as I was not in the situation to to jasmine on the phone for awhile as I had a hard time to catch up with her


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