Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Well waht happened yesterday?

I do not know, while eating at crystal jade with mum.. I saw this girl that caught my attention. She looks like a student from ntu but i am was confuse, this girl assets were huge but the girl I had in mind in ntu had normal assets..

I did try to refrain from looking at her but she did give me a couple of looks, I was confused.Either she notice my sheepishly peep at her or she found that I was familar looking. nevertheless managed to leave the place without much incident.

During Japanese class, managed to sit beside Cheerie....ohh she is pretty... did have a couple of looks at her..come on .. I am just man .... nothing much happened, coming week the school will be moved to Shaw Center which is good as I do not like that sleazy orchard plaza...

Sunday want to go blade but my tired bones told me to sleep ... so I obey and study some stuff at home. Went over to george's house to see how is he.

He is fine, preparing for his new job. inquired about his trip in hk. It was okie but I cannot believe sharon will do such a thing to him ... ohh man, she is really mean . Okie I had only listen to one side of the story but, I had seen her blog... She is rather heartless and unfriendly to say that she had wasted a year plus in a relationship with george... come on ..she is the one who make the enagagement...shucks... ohh well george... he did have learn a valuable lesson.

Sigh ..hope he had better luck soon. I cannot stand my best buddy for so many years being accused of wasting sharon's time.... unfair ..but aniwei I know george better than it that insane woman who is having emotional and social problem of her own ...

Thank god, george had ended it early and have less damage being asserted on himself.


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