Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Saturday, October 16, 2004

ohh a week since i had updated my blog..Nothing much had happened this week, come on .. i am a schoolboy..what can really happened?

ather enjoyed my end of the week events, went home for dinner on wednesday and study that nite, I really just do not have the ummphh factor to study but I just study for the sake of studying..There is no passion in it... I just want to pass and left that forsaken place soon.

Out to Esplanade on Thursday, studying there. not a bad place ....Friday, finally I managed to leave my school without any guilt as I had completed what I supposed to do.

Was at peace center, looking at those plastic models and also checking out the poster printing cost. Plastic side, there is not much new stuff arrived there. did not see anything of interest. Study at mac till 5++ . poster printing is expensive..

Met up with C.K and also christina to go to an art exhibition.Not bad not bad ..those painting. I went to the Singapore Art museum before that, something a change from those charts and diagrams I see everything besides, friday after 6pm is free admission.

We sat and talk over the dinner and walk to padang.... and sat there on the bridge over singapore river....having small talks..but really something I need after a week of so called isolation.heehee talked about alot of interesting things.

Today went for that japanese revision class..super tired and sleepy as there is no interaction only listen to my teacher .... super tired....


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