Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Well...what happened ..what happened to me ? the easiest paper and i screwed it up ... shucks.. I know, I am not a good student but I did pay some effort in it and what I got for that in return. nothing... I felt betrayed and faithless.

it not my first time, everything I got those lousy grades, I feel lost as I had put in effort in it but there is nothing in return but beg for sympathy from markers. There is nothing I can do, I cannot blame myself for being lazy but just darn stupid..that;s all ..

WHat had I done to deserve this. . . . sigh ..... losing faith in my education life. I had concluded that I shall not pursue my master after this as I am such a crappy student and no point waasting money and time.

Evening was bad as I kept robbed of my cab, silly blokes who just walk and steal it right in front of me...why why .. .what I had done to deserve this sat...

Lucky I met up with christi..... she well she is nice, I felt at ease with her.... finally something to make me feel better after all these days of sad moments..... she is nice and we had diner and also walk around ..felt superbly good....have to leave early as I had to take the last bus home..sigh too many things to talk ..too little time.... looking forward to another time...


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