Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Friday, September 23, 2005

Well back in hongkong, alot of things had happened.I had managed to be on the plane with a friend of mine, I had known her 3 years ago and lost her after that. It was an unwelcoming end that time after all things did not go according as what I had planned .

Been out with Jasmine and her friends, we are doing fine. Sophia is good. We are out mostly on shopping trips. I still put a belt on my wallet as I do not want to make myself broke after only days of arrival.

I also been looking for jobs in Hongkong so far luck is with me and there are 3 replies and one out of 3 I had been interviewed over the phone, experience gained and applied to next round. Monday will have a one-2-one interview..

ohhh boy.... going to buy a set of suit as in Hongkong they are pretty dress conscious.Tonite I will be going to Lan Kwan Fong if time permits. Time for my breakfast


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