Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Well had a leaky nose over the past 2 days, yet to see a doc and now self-medicating. Hope everything is fine for the bangkok trip on sunday. So far nothing much in particular, lesson in the afternoon as usual. Feeling abit tired that could be attribute to the sensitive nose of mine. I had resort to sleeping early as the nite were overly warm and not very good for me to linger on, perfer to wake up early to do my things.

Today woke up around 9+ as it's my birthday after all, decided to do nothing today but will go for lessons today. Sophia had not reply me as she promised to dine with me tonite but ermm mostly likely I will be having meals on my own. I do not really feel like relying on people these days..

Singapore is still at such a warmly stage..I do not feel comfortable with it


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