Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Well today ended with a very happy tone. Last class of the course but everyone is jolly, I was jolly as I am now able to break free and release from my conformed character moulded to me by this society. I felt that I was not given a stare or anything but just we are the same..

Tonite there is no differences in gender and all of us had fun. We are just a group of kids having no concern of each other motive in this course. We accept who we are. We are able to follow the instructor's move excellently and despite that our move are not execute in perfect style but to me, it was the best I had done and the results are shown. I left the studio as a happy man but sad that my small group of friends wont be with me for the next course, Margaret is going overseas and other have plans... I also have plans but I will not give up on this, I will pursue this when I move to a new place ...

I had fallen in love with dance.....


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