Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Wednesday mid-week. I had finished an entire novel from last nite till just now. It was a simple novel that could be suited for younger audience but I do have a feel of finishing a novel as soon as possible. It was written by a bus driver from London called restrain of the beast. Talked about fence mending and the 3 fence mender..Quite an interesting book compare to Origins of Humans.

I was in luck to be able to catch a friend for dinner tonite as I was tired of eating takeaways from coffeeshops. They are oily and just bored of it for eating it everyday. Met Jovene at Holland.V, we pop by the FOS store that I will never venture there even I have time but they do have neat clothings which are similar to that one found in City Square. But nothing caught my fancy which may be a good choice since I can save on my wallet.

HAd pasta at NYDC, it was errmm normal as I was too in-depth with other stuff to think of what to eat. But the company was good and I do enjoy tonight's dinner. I managed to learnt alot of stuff like fishes or wildlife from her. I was more into human origins and the creation of the earth's wildlife.....

Felt hungry just now and had some biscuits and chocolate milk.


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