Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Oh... watched War of the Worlds... and Initial D all in one afternoon in JB.. cheap and well minus those pesty "smart" audiences who were behind me discussing the ending or some crap.

WOW... about some alien that came to our earth thro some lighting and into their sotong looking machine that was buried millions of years before since we existence... managed to rise up one fine day when we observed that Tom Curise have a lousy day at work and begin to zap people into millions of pieces with their "hoo-haa" zappers... Tom and his family ran and tried to escape and somehow the aliens die off one fine day and our world is safe once again..then came with the ending that qouting something about the earth thing...umphh ohh well..sound so Victorian times...

I was rather confused with the ending ... why do those sotongs just started to walk in a queer fashion and lost their defense system? These made them a free-frag for those GIs with their big TOW anti-tankk missile.. and then the ending was showed with all the sotongs keep falling down. . . ??

I wondered is it those alien or visitors that sucked too much of our blood and infected with Aids and lost their protective sheild got killed off? ? But one thing to figure, if they like our blood so much why do they have a goofy good time blasting us into pieces at the first place.... it's a rather waste of food dont you think so? Guess those highly intelligent beings were not well-taught in table manners...playing with their food..another thinking ..if they will like to treat earth as their playground, why dont they just come and suck us dry while we were still living in cave holes instead of when Tom Curise arrives with a bunch of blokes with rockets? umphh aniwei overall it's a nice show but I take intial D over this one this time...

Aniwei the movie ending was based on the novel written by HG Wells (1898), that was concurred with the classic version of it (1953). Those alien blokes that are so smart with their zappers did not figure out a way to fight earth own bacteria infection and got quirkly and died off.... oh well.... at least Steven Spielberb did not change the ending...else it will be called Independence Day ...Again..

My advise to them : Better luck next time.


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