Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Monday, July 04, 2005

Oh boy..... A series of unfortunate events had happened to me... I got stung by some sea creature while I was paddling my board out. I was improving.. as I managed to get the sail up and covered some distance till that little dumb shit took my foot as lunch.... Went for a jab and under medication... I am now $30 poorer.... contribution to the medical society.. My foot is now swollen like a pig trotters and it's a pain the ass....arggh!!

I managed to limp my ass to cineleisure for a movie cos i bought it last nite... din want to add more misery to my bank account "Be with you" "今会いに行きます" "Ima-Aini-Yukimasu" it was a nice show, it was funny at times and the cast are nice but the story was excellent. I was very touched by the twist in the end of the movie that made it more special.. I will say , it worth my $9.50 for today... i guess not alot of people want to know the story... you should just watch it show ..... "世界の中心で、愛をさけぶ " or "Crying Out Love In The Center Of The World"


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