Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Friday, June 17, 2005

Wont it be easier if our level of intelligence is slight lower than what we are now? less worries, less problems.... it seems to be a silly comment but sometimes, living life with simplicity does have a good point but nevertheless it's something I will had never be able to achieve. I do not know why, my life is going fine according to my context but deep within there are alof of things I will like to resolve. I wondered does everyone have the similar feeling as me ?

do you spend your time resolving your problems or take it as it is?I had been pre-occupied with stuff that hide my own self, is it a good thing ? I do not know as I felt these problems I am having now do not have a instant solution. I felt hopeless thus by doing more things, I make myself felt useful but am I really ? This is a difficult thing to say.. oh boy... life at cross road.... oh boy..


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