Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

There is a saying in Darwin's evolution, all living matters must came from another living matter. It will be silly to qoute that living organism came from non-living matter... it is quite sensible when you think of it... but one may ask

Where does the 1st living matter came from? It's understood that amino acids are the basic blocks of life.A little hydrogen, amoinoa and nitrogen with a little electric spark we will get the fundemental blocks of life but..errmphh they are just little blocks like bricks and how it is going to be used to build a house or this case humans?

Application of energy will of course help in the creation of more complex structures but it could also results in the disintergration of the amino acids, sort of like applying explosive to a pile of bricks and expecting a house to be build after the explosion.... that possbility is rather remote....

Aniwei the process of builing a more complex life-like organism from amino acid is still very much debateable... I shall think about it later as my Lunch time is ending soon.. back to work.. argghh


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