Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Well had been an relaxing weekend. Sat met up with Patrick and George, I was planning to shop for clothes. My mood need a diversion that why I opt for shopping after all I had not bought any single piece of clothing in Singapore since a year ago. . yup . . . my stuff came from hk..

I realised that I received my NS pay and thus the journey of shopping begins. In the end I got myself a polo-T from Canterbury,it was either this or Mizuno but Canterbury is more interesting as we seldom see anyone wearing it in singapore. So.... the choice was obvious... I dislike Nikes or addias as it's too well ermrm everyone got one..

I also get a pair of berms from Sammuel and Kelvin. nothing much compared to other happy shoppers but it's alot to me...

I realised that I had more things in my mind that keep on popping up that make me less on a lookout to the opposite gender in orchard that day.. I guess... well ... umph bother....

We ended up in Geylang for dinner eating those froggy legs, they are nice but not addictive thus will just say it's good...looking back...I felt better now after shopping , now i know why girls did that everyday...

Today just blade again in ECP from Fort Rd to Changi end and back..nothing much in particular..


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