Refugee of Paradise

Trying to find a way to worth living

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Oh how was friday? Well, lets say... I managed to squeeze onto the 172 bus from lim chu kang to boon lay after waiting for it for almost 20+ minutes. I do not mind as I am assured that I am now in motion. I do felt that the air-con is not working properly and due to it's late arrival, the whole bus was packed with booking out sweaty stinky CD NS boys... oh boy... it was being stuck in a small fishbowl with school of fishes..

Heat, stink, out of time. How frustrate it could be, topped with a lame driver who stopped at any chance available to him and of course the slow safe road hogging speed it move along the road does make you feel sort of cheated of your fare.... oh well..

Took the train that arrives at 6-8 min interval during rush hours and having so many people stuck per carriage... only thing worht mentioning is the air-con it's slightly bearable...
When you see the amount of passenager waiting for the incoming train.. you will be thinking, cant they increase the frequency of trains?

ohh boy... fare is increasing soon and I guess I still have to be in such situations after the extra cent we pay for the transport. I guess we just have no choice but to accept it. Afterall we have a world class transportation system that is better than most areas like uganda, somalia, that is something we should be proud of...

There is nothing we can do...

Above comments are based on writer's personal views and may vary with time.


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